summary | ||
public |
Log in user in server |
public |
F dbLogout(): * |
public |
Register user in database |
public |
F dbUpdatePassword(newPassword: string): * Change user's password |
public |
Loing user |
public |
F logout(): {"type": *} Logout user |
public |
Register user |
public |
F updatePassword(): {"type": *} Update user's password |
public |
Add a normal circle |
public |
F addCircles(uid: string, circles: [object]): {"type": *, "payload": *} Add a list of circle |
public |
F addFollowingUser(uid: string, cid: string, followingId: string, userCircle: object): {"type": *, "payload": *} Add following user in a circle |
public |
F clearAllCircles(): {"type": *} Clea all data in circle store |
public |
F closeCircleSettings(uid: *, id: *): {"type": *, "payload": *} Close open circle settings |
public |
F dbAddCircle(circleName: string): * Add a circle |
public |
F dbAddFollowingUser(cid: string, userFollowing: object): * Add a user in a circle |
public |
F dbDeleteCircle(id: string): * Delete a circle from database |
public |
F dbDeleteFollowingUser(cid: string, followingId: string): * Delete a user from a circle |
public |
F dbGetCircles(): * |
public |
F dbGetCirclesByUserId(uid: *): * |
public |
F dbUpdateCircle(newCircle: object): * Update a circle from database |
public |
F deleteCircle(uid: string, id: string): {"type": *, "payload": *} Delete a circle |
public |
F deleteFollowingUser(uid: string, cid: string, followingId: string): {"type": *, "payload": *} Delete following user from a circle |
public |
F openCircleSettings(uid: *, id: *): {"type": *, "payload": *} Open circle settings |
public |
F updateCircle(uid: string, circle: object): {"type": *, "payload": *} Update a circle |
public |
F addComment(data: object): {"type": *, "payload": *} Add comment |
public |
F addCommentList(postComments: [object]): {"type": *, "payload": *} Add comment list |
public |
F clearAllData(): {"type": *} |
public |
F closeCommentEditor(comment: *): {"type": *, "payload": *} |
public |
F dbAddComment(newComment: object, callBack: function): * Add comment to database |
public |
F dbDeleteComment(id: string, postId: string): * Delete a comment from database |
public |
F dbGetComments(): * |
public |
F dbUpdateComment(id: string, postId: string): * Update a comment from database |
public |
F deleteComment(id: string, postId: string): {"type": *, "payload": *} Delete a comment |
public |
F openCommentEditor(comment: *): {"type": *, "payload": *} |
public |
F updateComment(data: object): {"type": *, "payload": *} Update comment |
public |
F closePostWrite(): {"type": *} |
public |
F defaultDataDisable(status: boolean): {"type": *} Default data loaded status will be false |
public |
F defaultDataEnable(): {"type": *} |
public |
F hideMessage(): {"type": *} |
public |
F hideTopLoading(): {"type": *} |
public |
F loadDataGuest(): * |
public |
F openPostWrite(): {"type": *} |
public |
F progressChange(percent: string, visible: boolean): {"type": *, "payload": *} Progress change |
public |
F setHeaderTitle(text: *): {"type": *, "payload": *} |
public |
F setHeaderTitleOpt(opt: *, payload: *): * |
public |
F showErrorMessage(message: string): {"type": *, "payload": *} Show error message |
public |
F showNotificationRequest(): {"type": *} |
public |
F showNotificationSuccess(): {"type": *} |
public |
F showTopLoading(): {"type": *} |
public |
F temp(data: *): {"type": *, "payload": *} |
public |
Add image to image gallery |
public |
F addImageList(images: [object]): {"type": *, "images": *} Add image list to image gallery |
public |
F clearAllData(): {"type": *} |
public |
F clearSelectData(): {"type": *} |
public |
F dbDeleteImage(id: string): * Delete an image from database |
public |
F dbDownloadImage(fileName: string): * Download image from server |
public |
F dbSaveImage(imageURL: string): * Save image URL in the server |
public |
F dbUploadImage(file: file, fileName: string): * Upload image on the server |
public |
F deleteImage(id: string): {"type": *, "id": *} Delete an image |
public |
F downloadForImageGallery(): * |
public |
F sendImageRequest(name: *): {"type": *, "payload": *} |
public |
F setImageURL(name: *, url: *): {"type": *, "payload": *} |
public |
Add notificaition |
public |
F addNotifyList(userNotifies: [object]): {"type": *, "payload": *} Add notificaition list |
public |
F clearAllNotifications(): {"type": *} |
public |
F dbAddNotify(newNotify: object): * Add notificaition to database |
public |
F dbDeleteNotify(id: string): * Delete a notificaition from database |
public |
F dbGetNotifies(): * |
public |
F dbSeenNotify(id: string): * Make seen a notificaition from database |
public |
F deleteNotify(id: string): {"type": *, "payload": *} Delete a notificaition |
public |
F seenNotify(id: string): {"type": *, "payload": *} Change notificaition to has seen status |
public |
F addImagePost(post: object): {"type": *, "payload": *} Add a post with image |
public |
Add a normal post |
public |
Add a list of post |
public |
F clearAllData(): {"type": *} Clea all data in post store |
public |
F dbAddImagePost(newPost: object, callBack: function): * Add a post with image |
public |
Add a normal post |
public |
F dbDeletePost(id: string): * Delete a post from database |
public |
F dbGetPostById(uid: *, postId: *): * |
public |
F dbGetPosts(): * |
public |
F dbGetPostsByUserId(uid: *): * |
public |
F dbUpdatePost(newPost: object, callBack: func): * Update a post from database |
public |
F deletePost(uid: string, id: string): {"type": *, "payload": *} Delete a post |
public |
F updatePost(uid: string, post: object): {"type": *, "payload": *} Update a post |
public |
F addPeopleInfo(infoList: [object]): {"type": *, "payload": *} Add people information |
public |
F addUserInfo(uid: string, info: object): {"type": *, "payload": *} Add user information |
public |
F clearAllData(): {"type": *} |
public |
F closeEditProfile(): {"type": *} |
public |
F dbGetPeopleInfo(): * |
public |
F dbGetUserInfo(): * |
public |
F dbGetUserInfoByUserId(uid: string): * Get user info from database |
public |
F dbUpdateUserInfo(newInfo: object): * Updata user information |
public |
F openEditProfile(): {"type": *} |
public |
F updateUserInfo(uid: string, info: object): {"type": *, "payload": *} Update user information |
public |
User info |
public |
Add a vote |
public |
F addVoteList(data: object): {"type": *, "payload": *} Ad a list of vote |
public |
F clearAllvotes(): {"type": *} |
public |
Add vote to database |
public |
F dbDeleteVote(id: string, postId: string): * Delete a vote from database |
public |
F dbGetVotes(): * |
public |
F deleteVote(data: object): {"type": *, "payload": *} delete a vote |
summary | ||
public |
public |
F isAuthorized(): * |
public |
F PrivateRoute(objectPattern: {"component": *, Object}): * |
public |
F PublicRoute(objectPattern: {"component": *, Object}): * |
public |
F getFollowingUsers(circles: object): * Get the following users |
public |
F getUserBelongCircles(circles: object, followingId: string): * Get the circles which the specify users is in that circle |
public |
F detectTags(content: *, character: *): * |
public |
F getContentTags(content: *): * |
public |
F sortObjectsDate(objects: *): * |
summary | ||
public |
C Blog |
public |
C Circle |
public |
C Comment |
public |
public |
public |
public |
public |
public |
public |
public |
C Home |
public |
public |
public |
C Img |
public |
C ImgCover |
public |
C Login |
public |
C Master |
public |
C Notify |
public |
public |
C People |
public |
C Post |
public |
C PostPage |
public |
public |
C Profile |
public |
public |
C Settings |
public |
C Sidebar |
public |
public |
public |
C Signup |
public |
public |
C UserBox |
public |
public |
public |
F MasterLoading(objectPattern: {"activeLoading": *}) |
summary | ||
public |
V ADD_CIRCLE: string |
public |
public |
public |
public |
public |
public |
public |
public |
public |
V ADD_NOTIFY: string |
public |
public |
public |
public |
public |
public |
public |
public |
public |
public |
public |
public |
public |
public |
public |
public |
public |
public |
public |
public |
public |
public |
public |
public |
public |
public |
public |
public |
public |
public |
public |
public |
public |
public |
public |
public |
public |
public |
public |
public |
public |
public |
public |
public |
public |
public |
public |
public |
public |
public |
public |
public |
public |
public |
public |
public |
public |
public |
public |
public |
public |
public |
summary | ||
public |
V firebaseAuth: * |
public |
V firebaseRef: * |
public |
V storageRef: * |
summary | ||
public |
F auth(email: *, pw: *, other: *): * |
public |
F login(email: *, pw: *): * |
public |
F logout(): * |
public |
F resetPassword(email: *): * |
public |
F saveUser(user: *, other: *): * |
summary | ||
public |
public |
V IconButtonElement: * |
summary | ||
public |
F authorizeReducer(state: object, action: object): * Authorize reducer |
public |
F circleReducer(state: object, action: object): * Circle reducer |
public |
F commentReducer(state: object, action: object): * Comment actions |
public |
F globalReducer(state: object, action: object): * Global reducer |
public |
F imageGalleryReducer(state: *, action: *): * |
public |
F notifyReducer(state: object, action: object): * Notify actions |
public |
F postReducer(state: object, action: object): * Post reducer |
public |
F userReducer(state: *, action: *): * |
public |
F voteReducer(state: object, action: object): * Vote actions |